Thursday, 9 April 2009

Leonard Cohen

This following documentary from 1965 entitled "Ladies and Gentlemen, Leonard Cohen" is
a beautiful documentary from the National Film Board celebrating Canada's hottest young poet of the time. Got a spare 45 minutes? Watch


  1. I saw this back in college days. Had a prof who was a totally Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen fan. As the class was a Canadian Lit course, we got lots of Cohen, especially because the prof knew Cohen personally. I have a story that I tell my English 10 students that partly involves a scene of this flick. Good stuff man.

    On a related note, Leonard just played the Coachella Festeval. How cool is that.

  2. Very cool. I read a review of his recent Vancouver performance and it sounded golden. However a friend once showed me a quote that said "Writing about music is like dancing about architecture".
