Friday 18 September 2009

A New Car!

You're the next contestant on The Price is Right. I loved seeing the people's joy when they find out the prize they are playing for was a new car.

We had much the same level of excitement here last week when we took possession of our new (well .. new to us) car! Yes it is official we are officially "keeping up with the Zhangs" so to speak. After several weeks of searching and deliberating we are now the proud owners of a 2002 Volkswagen Jetta. It's pretty exciting but those that have witnessed Chinese traffic know we have a steep learning curve ahead of us. Chinese traffic can be summed up as "a bicycle mentality behind the wheel of a car." Will keep you posted on our adventures with that.

Here are the pics

And for those that have never driven in China here is my wife's hometown in winter 2004


  1. My God Darren, I hope you have lots of insurance! Just read an article on Dalian and thought of you guys so I am reading up on your posts.
    I thought the drivers here were bad!...
    I got hit in a cross walk a couple of years ago walking my dog and I cursed the idiots here: I was not hurt too bad. You will have to show us pictures of the car after a year of driving :o)
    Here it article I was reading:

  2. Great article WA. I've been driving a bit and it's definitely crazy.
    Is the fam all good?
